Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Beginning of school year 2015-2016

The twenty fourth school year in the history of EGT began on tropical September 1, 2015, in the Lutheran church in Tisovec.
Here, at official opening, the church service was presided over by the pastors Mr. Naď and Mrs. Naďová. The sermon about the new school year was given by Mrs. Naďová - the school spiritual leader.
After the events in the church, a meeting for parents and teachers was held in the town's Cultural Center and finally, the consultations of the parents with the classroom teachers followed in the school building.

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Otvorenie školského roku 2015-2016

Školský rok 2015/2016, dvadsiaty štvrtý v histórii EGT, sa začal popoludní tropického 1. septembra 2015 v evanjelickom kostole v Tisovci.
Na oficiálnom otvorení bohoslužbami poslúžili pán farár a pani farárka Naďovci, kázeň predniesla pani farárka - školská spirituálka.
Po slávnosti v kostole sa v mestskom kultúrnom stredisku uskutočnilo stretnutie rodičov a učiteľov, napokon v budove školy konzultácie rodičov s učiteľmi.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk